March 2024: Data updated for new products from Marc 2023 update. New machine: Essential Oils Lab. New products: Lemon essential oil, Mint essential oil.
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How many item needed for your next boat

Player experience level: From 17 to 900. Level is remembered till you close this tab on your browser.
Boat may ask for either 6 crates (level 17 to 24), 9 crates (starting at level 25) or 12 crates (starting at level 36). This estimator will tell you how many boat should ask for, PER CRATE, according to your experience level. To get how many your boat wants:
- 12 crates (4 crates of the same item) : amount per crate x 4
- 09 crates (3 crates of the same item) : amount per crate x 3,
- 06 crates (2 crates of the same item) : amount per crate x 2.

Products not asked by boat are not listed here. For their data, please check Order Comparator.
Currently display data for level: . Quick search by keyword (scroll for more):
From Unlock
Name Time reduced Time Max amount
per boat
Amount per crate
(12 crates)
Amount per crate
(9 crates)
Amount per crate
(6 crates)
Coin Reward
per unit
XP Reward
per unit
Click on column header to sort item.
Toggle column: From - Level - Name - Time reduced - Time - Max amount - 12 crates - 9 crates - 6 crates - Coin Reward - XP Reward - Debug